The time to act is now! We need your unique insights and perspectives to make climate action more ambitious, and more youth-responsive and youth-driven.
There is growing consensus that a key success factor for raising climate ambition is ensuring an inclusive process that brings together government and all parts of society. In particular, young people’s needs and aspirations should be captured in the NDCs and their role as positive agents of change should be better recognized, promoted and supported.

The climate action grants will focus on women and youth-led innovative technology solutions with high impacts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, contribute to NDC implementation and sustainable development. Proposed interventions must be in line with Uganda’s NDC priority sectors Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Waste Management, Climate Smart Agriculture, Forestry, Water resource management, Wetlands, Infrastructure, and Water conservation.

Building on the deep experience of the NDC Support Programme, UNDP launched the Climate Promise in 2023 to support countries with the development of stronger, more ambitious climate plans. The programme's expertise in climate planning, transparency, finance, gender and private sector engagement had been honed over the course of 8 years, thanks to the generous support by the original donors such as the European Union and the Governments of Germany and Spain. Other donors such as the Governments of Sweden and Italy have joined to further support our work on the Climate Promise.

The webinar series set out to contribute to strengthen climate and water linkages in national frameworks such as NDCs, NAPs and various investment mechanisms. It aims in particular to highlight climate and water inter-linkages and contribute to improve the coordination across climate and water decision-makers and professionals; provide examples of coordination and implantation mechanisms and introduce the financing landscape of climate and water. The learning objectives of these webinars are to build awareness and understanding on linkages between climate and water; on plans and tools to support implementation of water and climate coordination; and on financing mechanisms on climate ad water coordination

The first webinar will discuss how improved cross-sector understanding and knowledge among climate and water decision-makers and professionals contribute to improved coordination between climate change and water decision-making. It will introduce a practical tool for identifying climate and water inter-linkages.

Water and Climate | Implementation through NAPS, NDCs and other Strategies - July 16, 2023 @ 11am UTC
The second webinar aims to help countries to understand the different processes and tools that can help in adaptation planning and implementation, starting from the strategic level adaptation planning up to local level adaptation actions.
Speakers: Kidane Jembere, GWP; David Hebart Coleman, SIWI; Anjali Lohani, GWP.

Water and Climate | Finance for Water Sector - July 23, 2023 @ 11am UTC
The third webinar aims to introduce the three main global climate finance mechanisms and further zoom in to the GCF - understanding its mandate, investment criteria, its operational modalities, funding windows and procedures for accessing resources for climate resilient water initiatives.
Speakers: Alex Simalabwi, GWP SAF; Andiswa Nyongwana, GWP SAF; Anjali Lohani, GWP; Rene Schieritz, GWP SAF; Alastair Morrison, former Water Sector Senior Specialist at GCF.


Uganda Issues Call for Proposal for Innovative Women and Youth-led Climate Projects
The climate action grants will focus on women and youth-led innovative technology solutions with high impacts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, contribute to NDC implementation and sustainable development.
Posted on July 28, 2023

Zimbabwe recently launched a green jobs assessment to support improvements of the national climate plan or Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
Posted on July 21, 2023

Climate Action Wins: 6 Ugandan groups receive climate action grants to catalyse change
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The NDC financing strategy is guided by the National Policy on Climate Finance 2016 which was established, inter alia, to improve the ability to mobilize and effectively manage and track adequate and…

This report serves as an input for the preparatory work Ghana would undertake in 2023 to update its NDC which was submitted in 2015.

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